Saturday, June 23, 2007

An Interview with Zach Ivins

It was an absolute delight getting to know Zach Ivins a little better. Zach is 14 years old, a home schooler and a member of our church. If you've seen his magic shows, you might know him as The Great Zacchini. After this interview, he'll be taking over as host of this blog- interviewing various creative people in our church. I know you'll enjoy reading his answers to my interview questions! Get ready to be amazed and inspired. Please read to the end.

1. Who are you and what is your "art"?
I am Zach Ivins and I am an artist. My art form is performing on stage, My specialty is performing magic.

2. How long have you been doing what you do? How did you get started?
I saw my first Magician when I was four years old and I don't remember seeing him. It's true, I don't remember my first experience with magic. The Magician (named Billy Riggs) is a Christian magician who performed at some of the local churches in the area. Although I don't remember seeing him I have a video of him performing. My journey in magic started before I can remember, I can't remember not having magic in my life.

3. How does your art fit into your schedule? When, where do you get it done?
Magic is the main thing in my life. (Beside Jesus, my Family and the Church.) I have acted a few times, (most recently in the Forgiven play.) but Magic is the by far the main thing I do. Because my art is my business, I am constantly practicing for my next show. I am also always thinking of new ideas for routines or shows. I get it done whenever, and wherever I can.

4. Why do you love what you do?
I love showing people that the impossible is possible. I love making people laugh. I love telling a story. I love making people think. But why? Why do I love to do these things? I have no idea. It must be because God gave me these desires. I think God gave me a little bit of himself that makes me love what I love.

5. Do you see your art as being mainly for you, for others, or for God? Do you ever have trouble finding balance between those?
Truthfully, I think I do magic for myself. However, Magic has to have an audience. I love being around people. Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ in particular. But I am supposed to do everything for the glory of God alone. (Soli Deo Gloria) I think I do magic for everyone.

6. How is what you do "creative"? Do you see it as "art"?
Magic, and any art is just as creative as you make it. I am a very creative person. I enjoy brainstorming and putting my ideas into practice. In magic I have to come up with plots and stories. Magic is a visual art so the magic must be appealing to the eyes, But magic is almost entirely ineffective without sound. Whether music or speech. Yet magic is most affective when it is personal. So your sense of touch is very important. It's coming up with creative ways of putting all three together in a coherent fashion. Magic is a science. Magic is an art. Or art is magic. I think true, pure art is magic. Artists are just finding, revealing the magic in different ways. That is the real magic.

7. What inspires you?
Everything inspires me. God inspires me. My family inspires me. Music inspires. Movies inspire. Blogs inspire. Other magicians inspire. Actors inspire. Speakers inspire. Musicians inspire. Quotes inspire. Living inspires. Christians inspire. Fighting the Good Fight of Faith inspires. Nature inspires. Young people inspire. Children inspire. Books inspire. Photography inspires. People inspire me.

8. Is there an artistic accomplishment you are particularly proud of?
This is the hardest Question so far. I am not a very prideful person so this is hard. I am proud that I came in first in a youth magic competition in Boston. I am proud of the library show I am performing this summer. I am proud of a performance I did for the Christ Lutheran Church coffeehouse talent show. I think I am normally most proud of the last show I did but some performances outshine others. I am proud of performing my first gig for the third time this year. I am proud of performing a the Groton Public Library twice, soon to be three times. Maybe this isn't so hard.

9. What do you find most rewarding about what you do?
Laughter. Smiles. The look of shock on peoples' faces. The rush that for a short amount of time people around me are happy and so am I. That everything is okay.

10. What is most challenging about what you do?
Practicing. The preparation from having the idea complete and making it super smooth.

11. Share some of your philosophy about creativity.
I think creativity is very important! I need to start carrying a notebook in my pocket so whenever I have an idea I can write it down. Don't throw away an idea just because you don't think it is a good idea. Creativity is something near and dear to my heart. And close to God's heart. The first thing God did was create. (Genesis 1:1) Orson Welles said, "The absence of limitations is the enemy of art." So as you are being creative it is important to have an idea about what you are looking for. Or the kind of idea. For example if you like taking photos of landscape, can't travel outside of twenty miles of your house, and have to take the photos during the day. Why are you thinking of taking pictures of Eskimos ice fishing? A little extreme but you get the point. Having limitations helps me. William James said, "Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way." Creativity is just thinking outside the box. If you are creative you are a genius. I am always working on new stuff. Creativity is forced. Taking five minutes just to come up with ideas can be one of the best things you can do. The more ideas you have, the more options you have for your next piece of art.

12. If there were no barriers (money/time restraints, location, etc.),what would you love to create?
I would have my own theater and stage show. I would bring in other acts to perform. My show would have a Christmas show and I would always be adding new routines to the show. I would create a show that was true art. I would give people the emotion of wonder. I would create a show that God would be proud of. I would create a show that people could see over and over again. Never getting bored and never seeing anything but the magic. I would create a show that embodied who I am. Ben Okri said, "Magic becomes art when it has nothing to hide." I would create a show that had nothing to hide.

13. Who are some of your favorite artists?
Young David Copperfield, Weird Al Yankovic, Tim Ellis, Sue Anne Webster, Andy Dallas, Switchfoot, Bill Watterson, Charles Schulz, Gary Larson, Johnny Hart, Brant Parker, Newsboys, Chris Tomlin, J.K.Rowling, Eoin Colfer, Garth Nix, The Waifs, Mark Schulz, David Garrity, Maeve, Walt Disney, C. S. Lewis, Jim Henson, Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, Brad Paisley, Robert E. Lee, Kevin Johnson, MercyMe, George Lucas, Tom Hanks, And many, many others. My absolute favorite artist is God! God is the best artist ever!

14. Do you have any advice for aspiring artists?
Be yourself. Tell a story. Tell your story. Always do what you do for God. Love what you do. Your journey starts with one step and you probably have already taken it. Find your magic and give it to the world.

15. Is there a verse or quote that inspires you?
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." ~Walt Disney

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not actrightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have thosebecause we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,then, is not an act but a habit." ~ Aristotle

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Test Post

Janet's latest blog idea. Here we go. Hoping this will be a place where young Zach Ivins will interview the creative peeps of Calvary Chapel. This is Your blog, God. If You like the idea, help it happen:)